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My Answered Questions
Have you ever worked with a Merlin helicopter?
Do you find you work better with a nice pen/pencil?
In the interview, where it says “Tell us a joke”, your answer is not displayed. What did/would you have said?
You said you would use the money to communicate engineering to young people. What would this interesting project be?
Which aspect of your job are you most passionate about?
This question may be irrelevant, but you work for Ford. Which cars of theirs do you prefer working with?
How do you feel about the stereotypical engineer (nerdy, holding a spanner, wearing a hardhat, scroll of paper and a
You have the same name as my dad. He has a very good memory for number sequences and part numbers etc. Do you consider
My brother is a corporal(?) in the CCF RAF. What advice would you give him if he wanted a career in RAF engineering?