• Question: do you like every one in your work place

    Asked by 746kvnc34 to Hannah, Siu on 15 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by Zx_ADG.
    • Photo: Hannah Pearlman

      Hannah Pearlman answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      You can never be best friends with everyone however I there is no-one in the office who I really dislike. The key is to find common things with each person and focus on these, find ways to work with people who are different to you and keep things professional, that way even if you are not going to be friends you can still work together.

    • Photo: Siu Ng

      Siu Ng answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Dear Zx_ADG,
      There is no one in the office who I really dislike. I am a friendly person so I get along well with people in the office. As I spent most of my weekdays working with them in the office, I find it easier to be myself, keep good relationship with them and find common interest. They will be great help when you are in need.
