• Question: How many careers did you initially want to get into when you were younger, and why you chose engineering over them?

    Asked by Lolli to Norbert, Ainz, Hannah, Simon, Siu on 15 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by dancer2002, amber1s.
    • Photo: Simon Lay

      Simon Lay answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Britiain were lagging behind USA and Russia in the space race so Space man was a non starter. Pilot for the airforce probably was out due to health and so was stunt man for the movies but i was always good at fixing things like bikes and electrical items so Engineering seemed sensible…

    • Photo: Norbert Gogiel

      Norbert Gogiel answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I was considering IT and then architecture because I can draw. However, I needed more physics in my life and I always loved space and plane, so Aerospace Engineering was best choice 🙂

    • Photo: Siu Ng

      Siu Ng answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Dear Lolli, amber1s and dancer2002,
      I considered to either become an accountant or a lawyer when I completed my O-Level. In the end, I chose to study engineering in college because it can open up more doors to many rewarding career opportunities over other careers and my father’s words of encouragement that “Women can be great engineers”.

    • Photo: Hannah Pearlman

      Hannah Pearlman answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      When I was really little I thought I wanted to be an accountant, once I was old enough to realise what that actually meant I changed my mind and that was when I started to find out about engineering and was hooked!
