I like the fact that science is real and you can actually see it in action! Also I was really rubbish at English at school!
As an engineer some bits are more sciency than others, but for me I like seeing the theory become reality, whether that is understanding the chemistry behind why petrol can fuel an engine, or the physics of the forces a car faces as it drives along, or even the biology of a persons body which effects how they interact with a vehicle be it touch, reach, sound or sight. Engineering for me is what makes science real.
Science is a collection of knowledge that allows us to understand the world surrounding us. We can understand how humans work and what do we need to do in many cases of emergency. We know how chemistry works so that we can develop medicines for humans and also we can develop materials that improve our everyday life. Moreover, physics is enabling us to understand how bodies are moving or how space is working and how the world was created :).
Science gives us an understanding of whats going on around us. You can learn a lot through studying things and then replicate them to do something positive for everyone. Some of our Scientist have been looking at bacterias that break up pollutants. If they can re-create this action in man made bacterias then we could design something to clear up oil spills in the ocean. This could save masses of sea life in the event of an oil disaster. I like the fact that scientists are doing this kind of thing. Not to get themselves rich or make a load of money for shareholders but for the good of the world!