• Question: what is it like

    Asked by Hamster to Ainz, Hannah, Norbert, Simon, Siu on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Simon Lay

      Simon Lay answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Hi again Hamster.

      A lot of what i do is really interesting but there are also boring things that have to be done. The most fun is getting a new piece of equipment up and running for the first time. The sense of satisfaction as it bursts into life. My least favourite is meetings (yawn) and i am quite good at working through these and forgetting to go!

    • Photo: Norbert Gogiel

      Norbert Gogiel answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Hi Hamster!

      It is an amazing feeling to find solutions for problems that everyone else will remember and see in some way. It is like putting a pin on a timeline. Engineering is something amazing and very rewarding! I feel proud to be an engineer and I feel proud to be able to impact the society and technology!

    • Photo: Hannah Pearlman

      Hannah Pearlman answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      It’s pretty cool! I really enjoy the fact that I get to do lots of different things and meet lots of different people from all over the world. Engineering is a really diverse area, which means that every engineer will do something different, but at the end of the day it is all about finding solutions to problems.
