• Question: what is your biggest fear

    Asked by 686kvnc34 to Ainz, Hannah, Norbert, Simon, Siu on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Simon Lay

      Simon Lay answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      At work or outside of work? Inside work it would be hurting someone through negligence. I feel really sorry for all invovled in the accident at Alton Towers. As a regular vsitor to theme parks i often look at the control equipment and safety systems as i am queueing up with my kids and think about the process the designers had to go through to ensure riders safety. As a designer you have to look at the ‘what if’s’ and consider failure modes and multiple failure. Can it lead to an unsafe system? If the engineer is found to be neglignet then they could be in trouble. You don’t get that kind of pressure working in other proffesions…

    • Photo: Hannah Pearlman

      Hannah Pearlman answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I think probably my biggest fear is failure, I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed and do well and when things go wrong I can be quite tough on myself. Having said that it is also one of my biggest motivations for trying to do the best I can, whatever I am doing both inside and outside work.

    • Photo: Norbert Gogiel

      Norbert Gogiel answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      My biggest fear in engineering is the type of engineers the universities are teaching at the moment. Some of the universities are passing students through, just because the students paid a lot of money for it. I know it for a fact and this is scary.

      Those engineers will carry on and design something that we will use everyday, either a building, safety belt or a car for a ‘Smiler’ in Alton Towers. This is the biggest fear. We should be developing top engineers in this country.

      By talking to students here on this website I already noticed there are plenty of clever engineers and scientists, which is a good and promising fact for the better :).

      In private life the biggest fear are earthquakes, wars and sharks :D.

      I hope I answered your question.

    • Photo: Siu Ng

      Siu Ng answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Dear 686kvnc34,
      Believe it or not, I fear height and ironically I fear drowning, gasping for breath in the water.
