• Question: What planes/helicopters have you worked on?

    Asked by LeBlonde James to Ainz on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Craig Ainslie

      Craig Ainslie answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Hi there! Firstly great question, thanks for taking the time to ask it!
      I have been lucky enough to work on 3 different aircraft in my career, I have worked on Sea King Search and Rescue Helicopters, they are the bright yellow ones that Prince William flies! I have also worked on Tornado Fast Jet Bombers and also on Chinook Helicopters, they are the ones with 2 sets of blades that went out to Nepal to help after the earthquake. I’ve enjoyed engineering on all 3 but my favourite is definitely the Chinook, mainly because I’ve been to some cool places like Jordan and the USA while working on them!
