
Iona Strawson
Phew! Live to fight another day.
Curriculum Vitae
Work History:
My one and only engineering job has been with Buhler Sortex.
Current Job:
My current job is Mechanical Development Engineer.
Buhler Sortex
My Work
Mechanical design for machines using optics and pneumatics to sort product such as food and plastic.
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I work in Research and Development designing the mechanical systems for new machines or enhancements to existing machines. I also address issues found in machines at customer sites. Our machines are shipped all over the world, and my work has taken me to China and Brazil. I am part of a team supporting international manufacturing sites in these countries. I transfer technology for them to build for local markets, working with the engineers to ensure the machine is suitable for local supply chains and helping reduce costs where possible.
My Typical Day: Working at my desk on CAD design, maybe going to one of the labs to build up a prototype.
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Generally my day is spent in front of a computer, working on designs in CAD and producing manufacturing drawings. Depending on the project I am working on I will need to build and test my designs. This involves working with the validations team to build the design onto a test machine so they can try it out. We have a few different test labs, some with temperature control to mirror the conditions the machine will be under in the field. This can involve working in very cold temperatures! I also attend meetings for various projects, including for the International Support Group, where the engineers in Brazil phone in and we can hear how they are getting on.
What I'd do with the money
A series of podcasts on engineering aimed at non-engineers.
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I would like to do a series of podcasts on different engineering topics aimed at people not in the engineering profession as well as those thinking about a career in engineering. The topics covered would include a brief history of engineering, engineering heroes, women in engineering and the future of the industry. It would include interviews with engineers from different sectors and experts on engineering figures such as Brunel, Amy Johnson (pilot), as well as more modern heroes like Elon Musk. I would look at mechanical engineering initially as that is my area of engineering but would look to expand into electrical, chemical, civil and software as the series progresses. I would start with a set number of episodes, say 12, and look to do a second series afterwards.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Nerd. Mother. Dreamer.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Working with engineers in Brazil to bring products to market. Including going to China to get the parts!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, my step parents both taught at my school so I couldn’t be!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
A police detective, or a crime fiction author. I love murder mysteries but don’t know if I could handle actual dead bodies!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Anything involving Jack White, Dave Grohl or Josh Homme
What's your favourite food?
Cheese. Anything smothered in cheese.
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Hiked up to Macchu Picchu on my honeymoon
Tell us a joke.
Why can’t you hear a Pterodactyl go to the toilet? The pee is silent.