My Work: I am a Senior Structural Engineer, and I specialise in the design and construction of underground stations
Status: Sad to be out, but Ele and Andrew are both so awesome I don't really mind!
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Latest Question:Do you like working for a company?
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My Work: Product Design Engineer for Brompton Bicycles Ltd
Status: Looking forward to the first chats
Latest Question:Can you touch-type?
My Work: Postdoctoral researcher living the dream of becoming a professor
Latest Question:If you were stranded in the outer hebrides on one of the uninhabited islands how would your engineering knowledge help
My Work: Senior engineer working in intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
Status: VOTE VOTE VOTE @all
Latest Comment:And the winner is… (1 comments)
Latest Question:Hi whats DJ-ing like because i thought about doing it as a hobbie??