I usually lead the technology design on our projects but as part of the wider team I help design the whole road layout with civil, structural and highways engineers.
Our piece normally comes last so we have to keep attending meetings to make sure we can put our electronics in certain areas.
I am normally in the role of principle designer for a project.
That means that I’m in charge of the design phases of the project, I don’t manage any people though. I am given a design brief by the head of our team, David, and he lets me know what the timeline is. I investigate and come up with ideas and discuss them with the rest of the team, prototype them, refine them. I do the drawings and place the order for the tools. I co-ordinate with the Tooling Design team, and a team called Design Operations who get finished projects ready for the Production line. I also speak to Production, Quality and Purchasing staff to find out information I need. We all work together quite closely in my company, it is not a very rigid structure so you can go to anyone you need to and ask for their help/info on a project.