I’ve not really come across one! I’ve been really lucky in the sense that I’ve always had a choice for example, which University to go to, where to study a PhD and what to do afterwards. That means that I’ve always just chosen the thing which I think sounds the most interesting / enjoyable. Rather than having obstacles which have changed my career path, I’d say that I’ve had different opportunities!
I’d say my obstacle that caused me to change my career path was not having the opportunity to choose engineering at an earlier age. I began my career as a secretary and I also looked into working with children and horticulture. I didn’t have the opportunity to do an apprenticeship or something similar and I wish I had.
Before I joined the Ministry of Defence, I applied to become an engineer in the Merchant Navy – I’d passed all the application process, but due to a blood clotting disorder, I wasn’t able to pass the medical and had to re-think my career path!
The only obstacle I have come across are technical ones, not knowing enough or not having enough experience. The only way to fix that is to go out and do it. The only time I changed my career path was when I got offered something in the space industry, which I was surprised at, but not much of an obstacle.
I originally was going to go to university to study geography however i didn’t peruse this career path due to the daunting aspect of being alone at university and not having financial stability. I then chose an apprenticeship in engineering and i haven’t looked back since.