
Faranak Bahrami
Curriculum Vitae
Foundation year in Engineering (University of Surrey),Biomedical Engineering (University of Surrey), Micro and Nano Materials and Technology (University of Surrey)
Mathematics and Physics Disipline Diploma, Foundation year in Engineering, BEng 1st (Hons), MSc (distinction) , EngDoc (ongoing)
Current Job:
Research Engineer, completing my Engineering Doctorate while getting work experience at my industrial sponsor’s base TWI/ STEM Ambassador
TWI Ltd. & University of Surrey
About Me
I love new experiences and food. talkative
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I’m originally from Tehran, Iran. Here is a picture of my neighbourhood back in Tehran:D
I moved to the UK 8 years ago to study at the University of Surrey. I currently live in Cambridge, completing my Engineering Doctorate in Micro and Nano Materials and Technologies. I’m currently 25 years old.
Some of my favourite activities are going to the gym, dancing, playing the piano, skiing, and making stuff 🙂 My favourite TV series is FRIENDS, I have lost count on how many times I have watched. I love travelling and learning about other cultures and try new things.
My Work
working to make lighter aeroplanes and cars to make them more economical and environmental friendly.
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Composite materials are very strong and light-weight, they can be as strong or even stronger than metals. But many industries require holes in the component for joining purposes etc. They usually do that for metals by simply drilling them, but for composites, if you drill them you cut the load-bearing fibres which makes the composite weaker. So if this problem is solved, industries can use more composites and fewer metal components, which will make their products much lighter and also stronger. for example, if the cars and planes are lighter they will use less fuel, which is both economically and environmentally better. So this is where my project comes in.
Fancy version: I work on the perforation of thermoplastic composite materials. Holes are required in most of the components for joining purposes or noise attenuation in the aerospace and automotive industries. Industries use composite materials because they’re very light-weight but also very strong. at the moment the holes can be made by drilling or laser, however, they have their own disadvantages (decreasing the strength of the composite). Hence, I have found a new way of making holes without damaging the integrity of the composite so we can still have a similar strength as if we don’t have any holes in them.
This is the image of the tool I have designed, it can make 100, 2mm diameter holes in composite…
This one is a picture that I take by using the light microscope from the microstructure of my perforated composite (you can see the different layers, and each layer has fibres 🙂 )
Here is a picture of my computer model…
Thermoplastic composites can be heated up which will make them soft (opposite thermoset composites which when you heat them up, they will burn), after they get soft I have designed a rig which would create holes on the composite by displacing the fibres and creating a hole. Then I test the coupons and compare them with the coupons which have been drilled. Results show that perforated composite has a higher strength than the drilled composite. I also use finite element modelling to model the microstructure of the perforated composite and I try to validate my model by using the mechanical testing results. My project has applications in many industries such as aerospace, automotive, and any other industry that needs composite materials with holes on them. The model can also save so much time and money for the industries, so instead of testing the parts in real life, they can use the computer model and see if the results they get are good enough for them.
Simple version: I stab thermoplastic composite materials when they are hot (400°C) and make holes on them by pushing the fibres away, then I test them to prove that my technique is better than drilling, then I take that information and put it in a computer model program to show that the model also agrees with me 😀
My Typical Day: Make things, then break them, then find out why they broke and how to make it better :D
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I love my job because everyday can be different so I don’t get bored. I either spend my days in the lab trying to come up with ideas to improve the quality of my perforations or trying to understand why my computer model doesn’t work 😀 as a researcher I spend a lot of time learning about related topics and see if I can use those on my project. Also, I spend time on writing reports, article papers (no guarantee that they will get accepted :)), conference papers, networking, and etc.
I’m also a STEM ambassador and at least every couple of months I’ll go to different schools to do some STEM activities, i.e. Chocolate Welding! kids love it. Sometimes school children come to our work (TWI) and we build and program robots with them.
What I'd do with the money
I would love to help other students!
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I would love to help the schools which don’t have the necessary or sufficient pieces of equipment for their students to carry out STEM activities. Sometimes it’s easy to forget about other people, there are many bright children all over the world who might not have access to necessary things that can help them to see all the options they have for their future careers. I know £500 is not enough to help all of them, but it’s good to start from somewhere.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Free-thinking, enthusiastic, dedicated
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
STEM activities, I love to talk to the students about science and engineering and show them how interesting it is.
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Problem-solving and coming up with new ideas attracted me to Engineering
What was your favourite subject at school?
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
What did you want to be after you left school?
Biomedical Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, Architect
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Maybe! ;)
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Lawyer, Dentist, and heart surgeon were also on my list
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Guns N' Roses, Eminem
What's your favourite food?
I LOVE ALL THE FOODS but if I have to choose: Ghorme sabzi (Persian food)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Cliff jumping in Croatia, although I was so scared and thought I'm going to die, it ended up being very fun
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. Have loads of money so I can help all the people that money can solve their problems 2. eat food without getting fat 3. peace in the world so innocent people won't suffer anymore
Tell us a joke.
A pessimist looks at a glass of water and states it is half empty, an optimist looks at the same glass and states it is half full, but an engineer sees it and states the glass is twice as tall as it should be./ I'm terrible at telling jokes if you haven't noticed :) Also actions speak louder than words!