• Question: What is the hardest thing in your job?

    Asked by 365mgrq33 to Shruti on 4 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Shruti Turner

      Shruti Turner answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I think probably the fact that everything is my own responsibility. I don’t have a teacher or manager telling me what to do and when the deadlines are. It sounds great at first that you have no set deadlines or classes (which it definitely is sometimes!), but it can get really difficult to keep motivated when you’re tired one day or you just have that feeling where you don’t want to do any work. Doing a PhD is very different to other jobs, because with other jobs often you can leave your work at work or do limited work at home. With a PhD it’s always on your mind, because no matter whether you’re in the office or at home it’s your responsibility. Figuring out how to have a rest and a have fun outside work is something that is something to learn! I think I’m getting there 🙂
