
Dominique Anderson
Curriculum Vitae
Work History:
Visteon, Mansell Contruction Company, NTL
Current Job:
Software Controls Engineer
Science Techonology Fascilities Council
About Me
A sports and eating bunny!
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I live in Abingdon and spend my time cycling around and getting lost. I enjoy ready sci-fi books and Terry Pratchet novels and also praciticing cooking ( not sure if I have mastered it yet!). I also enjoy eating and having pudding parties with my friends ( this involves making and eating puddings).
I also do gymnastics and wakeboarding when I get the chance and would like to travel the world one day.
My Work
The motor whisperer
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My job is to maintan and develop software for control systems, which means the software needs to talk to motors and be able to control and receive information from them.
There is exisiting software that needs to be modified to have additional functions added to it ( or repaired) and new software that needs to be written to replace the old software which is no longer suitable for the job. This is where I come in as I need to help evaluate if the software is broken and needs to be replaced or can be repaired.
My Typical Day: Begin program, write, check, test, repeat
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I get in and check my list of tasks, this usally involves modifying or testing some software.
I open the software in a development enviroment and make some modifictions, then I will check to make sure the software builds properly. When this is confirmed I will take it to the test area to ensure it talks to the hardware properly and the correct information is being read back from the motors.
If there is a problem with the test, the process is repeated all over again, write test, repeat.
This goes on till lunch where i meet my friends in the restaurant and we make plans for the weekend. After Lunch i go back to my office to battle with some more code until 3pm where I stop for a quick coffee break to catch up with some collegues.
After the coffee break I will continue fighting the good fight with the software until it submits or 5pm arrives when I go home.
Once a software job is complete I move on to the next jo which is usally similer in nature but may involve slightly different hardware.
What I'd do with the money
Spread the good word of engineering to more young people
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Talkative, silly, friendly
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Repaired some software (successfully)
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
System administrator
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Within Temptation
What's your favourite food?
Spaghetti bolognaise
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Surfing in Hawaii
Tell us a joke.
A man walks into a bar…..OW!