• Question: Have you ever came across the answer to something you have been looking for for a long time?

    Asked by rachelb to Sarah, Masha, Mark, Dominique, Andrei on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Mark Catherall

      Mark Catherall answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      This does happen, but not very often because the answer normally turns up in the searching done at the time, when the problem comes up. Sometimes though you learn a new technique or bit of maths and you think, “If only I’d known this 3 years ago when I did that other project!”

    • Photo: Sarah Hunt

      Sarah Hunt answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Interesting question! I think there are so many resources in engineering and specialist people that there tends to be an answer when you need one if you look in the right places. As Mark has said though, there are ways to remember things or tricks you can do that you learn as you go along. I still remember the first time in primary school when someone showed me how to do the 9 times table with my fingers. And the counting knuckles thing to work out how many days there are in each month. So, it’s a bit similar to those kind of tricks 🙂
