• Question: What is your overall career objective? Do you see yourself working in engineering ten years from now? If not, what do you think you will be doing?

    Asked by hello world to Dominique, Andrei, Sarah, Masha, Mark on 12 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by 748mtrg29, 972mtrg32, Bea.
    • Photo: Mark Catherall

      Mark Catherall answered on 12 Nov 2016:

      Phase 1: Build successful business, make lots of money.
      Phase 2: Go heli skiing.
      Phase 3: Find the most useful thing I can and start doing that – maybe eliminating malaria, maybe solar energy.

      I’ll be an engineer for ever, it’s not just a job for me, it’s a state of being. Engineering is not just what I do, it’s who I am.

    • Photo: Sarah Hunt

      Sarah Hunt answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      To be honest, I have no idea! Every day is different for me as an engineer and I think that there are so many opportunities that a career in engineering can give, it’s quite difficult to know what I’ll be doing.

      If you are an engineer and want to do something else, it’s not too difficult to switch professions. Other industries love recruiting engineers because we are logical problem solvers 🙂

    • Photo: Dominique Anderson

      Dominique Anderson answered on 15 Nov 2016:

      I would like to build the robots from termintator…only kidding, but I would like to be doing something directly with robots in the next 10 years, but I do have feeling i’ll still be doing something associated with engineering in some shape or form.
