Question: why did you want to become an engineer ? who inspired you?
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Asked by Ayeesha to Sarah, Masha, Mark, Dominique, Andrei on 7 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by Dedoid003, Tia Kalinowska, tiger11, carlin is a shark, mollie1311, 682mtrg29, 363mtrg29, ellie, 669mtrg32, Naziaxo_Wattpad, 547mtrg48, 647mtrg47, 492mtrg47, Rosa, 486mtrg45, 758mtrg45, Georgieeee, Liv.Question: why did you want to become an engineer ? who inspired you?
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Laiyba Afzal commented on :
wow! really fascinating
Laiyba Afzal commented on :
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂