• Question: Who is your favourite celebrity and why

    Asked by 673msep52 to Pauline, Michelle, Henry, Fidel, Chris on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Chris Neale

      Chris Neale answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      Chilly Gonzales.
      He’s a pianist, but used to be a rapper. He trained in classical music, then became a rapper, then realised he could do both at the same time.

    • Photo: Fidel Olaye

      Fidel Olaye answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      I’ve got quite a few favourites but the first one that came to mind is Yagazie Emezi. She’s a half Nigerian half Malaysian photographer who travels the world taking pictures. She’s one of my favourites because she has gone through quite a lot which I relate to personally and she travels a lot (I love travelling).


    • Photo: Michelle Hands

      Michelle Hands answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      Chris Hemsworth….great actor and funny guy too. Plus he is awesome at surfing 🙂
