My Work: I'm the founder and director of Trackener, revolutionising horse care with technology. I make sure everything is going well in the product...
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Latest Question:if you could do something else in engineering, what would you do?
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My Work: I am a Construction Site Engineer
Status: It's the final day! So looking forward to the chat!
Latest Question:What GCSES do you need to be a Electronic Engineer?
Latest Comment:Because there are not many engineers that are female did that effect you? (1 comments)
My Work: An engineer / salesman in a defence company
Latest Question:What characteristics does your company look for when hiring young engineers?
Latest Comment:what kind of tools do you have (1 comments)
My Work: I test and fix electronics that are used in submarines.
Latest Question:Is your job stressful?
Latest Comment:What could you get out of engineering that you couldn't get from any other kind of work? (1 comments)
My Work: Cloud Engineer
Latest Question:When you first started as an engineer, did you find your job easy or difficult?
Latest Comment:Do you enjoy doing what you do or do you do it just to be able to earn money (1 comments)
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