• Question: Does sport link in to your job? If so, how and what does it bring to it?

    Asked by Emma to Ollie on 5 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Ollie Morris

      Ollie Morris answered on 5 Mar 2017:

      Good question, this will always depend on who you work for.

      My work has a gym, squash courts and a sports hall and run lots of exercises classes throughout the day which are all free to attend (for a small membership cost). This is great and I think I am very lucky to have this where I work but if i spend an hour in the gym I have to stay an hour later to make sure I complete all my hours.

      My work also has a sports club that organise a whole variety of sporting events, these arn’t free but give you an opportunity to compete in anything from chess to rugby against other departments.

      Finally, if you were really good at sport and compete at a really high level my work offers special/extra holiday to go to competitions.
