• Question: Have any of your plans been used in NASA

    Asked by padfoot to Iulia, Katie, Mateusz, Ollie, Siobhan on 7 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      NASA is a big player, and they demand the very best people can get! It’s gonna be some time before I could propose something to them, but, as somebody in the live chat have mentioned today, if we send people to Mars, and robots can help them not be lonely – I’d totally propose something to NASA 🙂

    • Photo: Siobhan Duncan

      Siobhan Duncan answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      Dear padfoot,
      I wish! I do want to work with space robots one day. I’m hoping that the work I do as part of my PhD will be something that can be used in space as well. So maybe in a few year I will be able to say yes to your question.

    • Photo: Iulia Motoc

      Iulia Motoc answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      I would work for NASA. However, NASA is not the top of my list. I want something that has a more broad coverage. I don’t really like the idea of working only on projects involving space all the time. I need to work on different projects at the same time.

    • Photo: Katie Pavey

      Katie Pavey answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      Not yet Padfoot! But building a rocket isn’t all that different to building a car (they are made of similar materials).

      Our robots are used to make planes and houses as well as cars – so maybe one day NASA will give me a call!
