• Question: How many robots have you made

    Asked by Unicorn101🦄 to Iulia, Katie, Mateusz, Ollie, Siobhan on 7 Mar 2017. This question was also asked by stafenhaa.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      I am buying robots that other people make 🙂 It’s gonna be some time before I can build my own.

    • Photo: Iulia Motoc

      Iulia Motoc answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      I haven’t made any robots, I am just buying robots already made by others. As my background is in Computer Science, I do not have the ability to build robots… just yet!

    • Photo: Siobhan Duncan

      Siobhan Duncan answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      Dear Unicorn,

      Love you username by the way <3

      I have only made a few, most robot engineers work with robots that have already been made, so that we are not using all of our time building them, but we can spend a lot of time trying to teach them to do things.

      My favourite was a robot arm I bought for myself from Maplin, it cost me about £30 and I take it with me when I do volunteering work to try and get more people to think about robots. It's not very smart, but you can use it to pick up things and put them down again. (It's more fun that i'm making it sound honest!)

      I studied electronics engineering before I started my PhD so we built a lot of projects, which was a lot of fun. They weren't robots, but the worked in similar ways to robots, they had sensors to understand the world around them, they had motors to make things move, the had computers so that they could make decisions based on the information they had.

      If you like to build things you should think about studying engineering. 🙂 We need more people who like Unicorns to build some robots!


    • Photo: Katie Pavey

      Katie Pavey answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      With my job we’ve made over 1000 robots! I don’t build them myself – we actually use another robot to build our robots that we sell – how strange does that sound?

      Outside of work I volunteer with some STEM clubs to build VEX IQ robots to take part in competitions. It’s like a mini robot wars for schools and brilliant fun.

      Does your school have a STEM or Robotics club? If so, ask one of your teachers to take a look at this website http://www.vexrobotics.com/competition/

      One of the schools I volunteer with have made it to the national finals and will be competing at the Big Bang Science Fair next week!
