Firstly, I would like to say I agree with your least favourite thing about Science/Maths/D&T. I wanted to know all the answers but they have to simplify it to an extent. Be patient though as it gets a lot more interesting but also a lot harder when you move up through education. (feel free to ask me more questions about this)
Anyway to the question you asked….
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) work under the sea and are mainly used for research or trying to locate or assess things on the seabed. Such as ship wrecks or oil pipes. It is a very specialist piece of equipment to be able to do this work and costs a lot of money to buy and operate. I don’t think that AUVs will become a part of everyday life as most people aren’t interested in oil pipes or ship wrecks so deep that you cant see them because there is no light that far down.
However, in some ways the technology is similar to drones that fly in the air and also driver-less cars that companies like Google and Tesla are working on. These kinds of robots/vehicles are much more likely to be part of every day life.
Something that hasn’t really been invented yet is driver-less ferries which I can imagine will be the future for short journeys.
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