• Question: When you have no ideas do you ever go to certain places to inspire you?

    Asked by Maria to Siobhan, Ollie, Mateusz, Katie, Iulia on 13 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Iulia Motoc

      Iulia Motoc answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      If I don’t have ideas, I just try to relax my mind, work on something else, grab a cup of coffee, socialise with people, and the ideas usually come to me. I can’t say that I do something specific to inspire me.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      Much like Iulia, taking my mind off the things and doing something unrelated helps. Meditation also helps – as you stop thinking about anything immediate, deeper thoughts start to come in.

      Reading the news, chatting to colleagues, and going through my previous notes also helps a lot – I might have written a good idea previously, but have forgotten about it.

      Oh, and on that note – writing down interesting ideas when they pop into your head helps too – it’s not always that the right ideas come to you at the exact time you need them 🙂

    • Photo: Katie Pavey

      Katie Pavey answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      Hi Maria – I like going on a long walk if I’m stuck for an idea.

      It’s great because it clears your mind, but also nature has some of the best examples of engineering! It’s incredible to stop and take a few minutes just to watch the world around us.

      Did you know Velcro was invented by George de Mestral in 1941 after he removed those sticky/spikey plant seeds from his dog!

    • Photo: Siobhan Duncan

      Siobhan Duncan answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      The internet, my teachers and my friends.

      The internet is full of people who have built these incredible things and it’s great to learn from. a lot of people share their designs as well so you can learn from them.

      Teachers are great because they have so much experience and they can help you when you are stuck.

      And friends are great because they can make silly suggestions that turn into amazing ideas after a bit of a conversation.
