• Question: what do you say to people who are starting engineering and are wanting advice?

    Asked by Morgan to Neil, Matthew on 7 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by P.Ian.Staker.
    • Photo: Neil Taylor

      Neil Taylor answered on 7 Mar 2015:


      Interesting question!

      I would advise them to study the maths/science related subjects that they enjoy, while at the same time trying to figure out what their favourite areas of interest are (and what they find most fun!). This would allow them to narrow down what sort of engineering they want to study in the future.

      For example, if you really like Chemistry, perhaps you’d be like to follow the path of Chemical Engineering. If you have an interest in the way structures are designed (such as bridges and dams), perhaps you’d consider Civil Engineering… or if you are interested in the way things move, Mechanical Engineering might be the way forward.

      I’d also advise taking a general interest in all things engineering. Check out news pages online to keep up-to-date with all the new and exciting things that are happening out there, or get involved with STEM at school. There are also some GREAT videos on YouTube that can really help you learn about engineering. This may also help you figure out what interests you the most!

      Finally, I think it’s great to be proactive: if you see things around you and think “I wonder if this could be done better…” or “I have an idea!”, then investigate and see if you can put these ideas into action – these are the kind of thoughts that engineers have! Of course, there may be a reason why things are done a certain way, but it could equally be the case that no one has thought about things the way that you have!

      In summary, I’d suggest to get a good grounding in maths/physics related subjects, take a general interest in engineering, and don’t be afraid to be proactive. Often, the best ideas come from younger people – who can have a very different outlook on things from older generations!

