• Question: What options did you take for GCSE?

    Asked by lossielolo to Matthew, Neil, Paula, Pete, Philippa on 11 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by Jess, TELLY TUBBIE 12.
    • Photo: Pete Symons

      Pete Symons answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Hi lossielolo,

      I’m trying to remember! I took Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Maths, English (Literature and Language), Art, Latin and Geography and PE.

      That tested my memory, and I’m still not convinced I got them right!

    • Photo: Neil Taylor

      Neil Taylor answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Hi lossielolo!

      I studied Maths/English/Chemistry/Technological Studies/Geography as my Scottish Highers.

    • Photo: Philippa Jefferis

      Philippa Jefferis answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      I took:
      Triple Science
      English Lit/Lang
      French (Which I was really bad at)
