High Ambitions working at CERN!! good on you! Quantum Physics is a science but Engineering covers sciences, maths and technology so there there would be some element of engineering. It would also depend on what you wanted to do at CERN.
If you wanted to help build and maintain the massive facility to enable the science experiments then you would most certainly need some engineering expertise, however if you were wanting to be a boffin in a white coat, analysing the data they got from the science experiments then I would say that is probably more related to quantum physics.
I think your goal to work at CERN is a very cool one! It’s definitely a dream place to work for a lot of people – finding out about stuff like The Higg’s Boson and antimatter would be awesome!
I checked out the CERN website (http://home.web.cern.ch/about/engineering), and it turns out that they are employ TEN TIMES (10x !) more engineers and technicians than they do research physicists.
The engineers construct and the machines/systems and check out their performance, and the technicians make sure that that things run smoothly – repairing/replacing/upgrading when there is a problem.
Mechanical engineers will be needed to design large scale detectors, vacuums, surfaces and coatings. Software engineers will be required to develop software for communication. Electrical engineers will be required to design the power electronics systems for the particle accelerators… to name a few!
There are so many things for engineers to be doing alongside the physicists! So if you want to be a part of CERN, there are definitely engineering routes in… You’ve just got to work out what is right for you! 😀
Excellent! Thank You that has certainly helpful. I think that I do want to be one of those boffins in white lab coats but I do also have renewed interest in engineering from you and Neil. However what job do I go for?
Thanks to both of you. I’d love to work at CERN so knowing that there are 10 times engineers and technicians then it may be possible to get a chance of getting into CERN!
Thanks for your support of having this dream goal. I have spoken to some teachers and they say it’s way to big of a goal. However I am intending to surprise them! So again Thanks for your kind comments – it is much appreciated.
You’re welcome Adam! I think there is some reason to manage your expectations (I’d imagine that LOTS of people would be applying for every place on offer!), but why not go for it. Be proactive, and who knows!
Adam commented on :
Excellent! Thank You that has certainly helpful. I think that I do want to be one of those boffins in white lab coats but I do also have renewed interest in engineering from you and Neil. However what job do I go for?
Adam commented on :
Thanks to both of you. I’d love to work at CERN so knowing that there are 10 times engineers and technicians then it may be possible to get a chance of getting into CERN!
Adam commented on :
Thanks for your support of having this dream goal. I have spoken to some teachers and they say it’s way to big of a goal. However I am intending to surprise them! So again Thanks for your kind comments – it is much appreciated.
Neil commented on :
You’re welcome Adam! I think there is some reason to manage your expectations (I’d imagine that LOTS of people would be applying for every place on offer!), but why not go for it. Be proactive, and who knows!