
Hollie Heard
Curriculum Vitae
University of Surrey 2014-Now, Kingston University 2010-2014, BHASVIC 2001-2003, Portslade COmmunity College 1996-2001
Master of Engineering Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics and Space Technology, soon to be Engineering Doctorate in Micro- and Nanomaterials and Technology
Current Job:
Reseach Engineer
Archer Technicoat Ltd based in High Wycombe. A small company that’s been going for over 30 years, coatings in coating development and equipment using a specific process called chemical vapour deposition, (CVD for short).
About Me
Master of rocket science, research engineer in advanced materials, coffee addict, pun lover, Trekkie, future countdown champion.
My Work
I develop processes and equipment for producing metallic and ceramic coatings to be used in some of the most extreme environments such as rocket thrusters.
My Typical Day: There is no typical day! Part of what I love about my job is how varied it can be one day to the next.
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My day depends on the project I am working on at the time. It could be that I’m running practical experiments, designing or installing equipment, analysing some samples, in meetings or sat at my desk. I much prefer being practical and hand-on at work, (I have lab coats that were once white but now black a it can get quite dirty), but it also involves a lot of report writing and maintaining and creating data in
What I'd do with the money
Put together an astronaut training pack to help schools participate in Mission X.
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The European Space Agency run some really cool initiatives to get people engaged with science. Mission X is one of these that has a series of tasks that represent ‘astronaut training’. I would like to put together an astronaut training pack that has different science tools and physical activity equipment that can be taken into schools and help people participate. I am also very keen on inclusion and diversity in science and STEM subjects so would want to use any more of the money towards running an event towards this aim.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Engineer, geek, innovator.
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Working on a European Sapce Agency project developing a new rocket engine.
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Star Trek. No really. When I was younger I wanted to build the spaceships I'd see in all the sci-fi I woudl watch.
What was your favourite subject at school?
Maths and science, but I also enjoyed P.E.
What did you want to be after you left school?
A rocket scientist!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, I think I may have had a detention once....
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Bored. I think I would be bored.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Probably someone you've never heard of.
What's your favourite food?
Cheese, hummus and peanut butter. (Not altogether although I'd be willing to give it a go).
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Tricky, maybe trekking in the Indian HImalayas or attending a Ninja training camp in California.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To go into space, finish my doctorate with as little stress as possible, and be happy.
Tell us a joke.
What cheese is made backwards? Edam. (I am terrible at jokes, unless they are cheese related, and prefer puns)