Steve Williams
My Work: A Software Engineering working on Satellite Data Recorders.
Latest Question:
When you worked for nokia and samsung , did you get a free phone ?Latest Comment:
And the winner is… (1 comments) -
Phil Allen
My Work: Spacecraft Engineer in a Small Satellite Company
Latest Question:
do you have any ideas on new satalight projects?Latest Comment:
What Is The Hardest Thing You Have Ever Done? (1 comments) -
Matt Cosby
My Work: I talk to Spacecraft around Mars
Latest Question:
what is your favorite Animal?Latest Comment:
can there be down sides to working with space craft materials? (1 comments) -
Hollie Heard
My Work: I develop processes and equipment for producing metallic and ceramic coatings to be used in some of the most extreme environments such as rocket...
Helen O'Brien
My Work: I'm the Instrument Manager for the magnetometer instrument which will fly on the Solar Orbiter satellite, flying closer to the sun than anything has...
Latest Question:
How many hours a day (on average) do you think you work on projects and researching them?Latest Comment:
What's your dream invention (1 comments) -
Sylwia Nikel
My Work: I'm GIS specialist with 12 years experience. GIS stands for Geographical Information Systems.
Latest Question:
What advice would give to someone searching for a job?Latest Comment:
Are you smart (1 comments)