• Question: Do you think that gender imbalance also applies for boys and if so in what e.g. boys 'can't' do dance?

    Asked by em to Alessandra on 12 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Alessandra Treviso

      Alessandra Treviso answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      Hi Em,

      well I think it does. When you hear “this is a female job” you are basically implying that a boy won’t be good at doing it or, even worse, would be considered bad for doing this. It is unfair in both ways.
      It is true that men and women are different but this has to be considered an enriching factor and shouldn’t hold anyone back from doing what they like.
      I’ve been told many times that mechanical engineering was a man subject and people sometimes don’t take me seriously just because I am a woman. And I think that some men are told that being a nurse or a teacher is a woman job and, especially in their teens, girls and boys are negatively affected by this. To keep up with expectations they might abandon a career they would perfect at. So my most earnest advice is to just listen to yourself and not let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do.
