• Question: How does your work influence my daily life?

    Asked by cookiemonsters to Alessandra, Dimitrios, Niamh, Becky, Stacey, Tony on 19 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by ItsEveryDayBro!.
    • Photo: Stacey Marple

      Stacey Marple answered on 19 Jun 2017:


      Well coatings are used on many products to extend their life and protect from corrosion. For example car parts, turbines in aircraft engines, on power generation equipment. Hopefully in the future we will have developed a coating to stop erosion on wind turbine blades helping the world become more sustainable.

    • Photo: Alessandra Treviso

      Alessandra Treviso answered on 20 Jun 2017:

      I try to improve lots of products, by either making it lighter so that it takes less energy to move it from one place to the other, or by making its manuacturing process less expensive and less polluting.

    • Photo: Rebecca Bennett

      Rebecca Bennett answered on 26 Jun 2017:

      The thing I love about textiles is that they are everywhere!!!
      Understanding how to make / improve and add benefits to textiles has an impact on every part of our lives, and I don’t see that changing any time too soon!
