• Question: what is the most annoying thing you have to deal with in your job

    Asked by bob to Stacey, Becky, Alessandra, Dimitrios, Niamh, Tony on 19 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by Summergirl3m11y.
    • Photo: Stacey Marple

      Stacey Marple answered on 19 Jun 2017:

      Completing lengthy experiments can be annoying, I am not very patient sometime so waiting for an experiment to finish can frustrate me. For example we test coatings for their ability to withstand corrosion in a Marine environment. To do this we put samples coated with the coating in a cabinet and spray them with salt water for 1000 hrs to see what happens. Everyday I record the progress but progres is normally slow, if anything happens at all.
