• Question: What is your favourite Harry Potter film?

    Asked by frenchgaffer2017 to Alessandra, Dimitrios, Niamh, Becky, Stacey, Tony on 14 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by JeCla.
    • Photo: Rebecca Bennett

      Rebecca Bennett answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      Definitely the first one!
      The audio books get me through long flights too!

    • Photo: Alessandra Treviso

      Alessandra Treviso answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      Uhm, The Order of the Phoenix. The battle at the Ministry of Magic is my favourite.

    • Photo: Stacey Marple

      Stacey Marple answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      Hi, I like Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone best.

    • Photo: Niamh Ryall

      Niamh Ryall answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      Wow that’s a mix so far. I love the fifth and last books. But the third film is my favorite.
