• Question: When you create parts for aerospace how do you know what the gravity, air resistance, reacting force etc. will be. And also how can you build parts to saw through forces and counter the forces so then it equals a smooth flight?

    Asked by Danny Mears to Stacey on 13 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Stacey Marple

      Stacey Marple answered on 13 Jun 2017:

      Hi 368smaj26, That’s a really good question. So when designing aerospace parts you have to make some starting assumptions and then do lots of iterations of calculations (repeat calculation but with one assumption changed). Now days it is mostly done by simulation building a virtual model of the part. For example for air resistance (drag) you would assume the parts speed, cross sectional area and density of air. For working out the drag coefficient you could use a model in a wind tunnel. Then you could calculate the air resistance. To help with smooth flight parts are designed to reduce drag, they are streamlined – making sure the air flows over the part in the best way. In the future new generation of smart materials actuated by electricity will reduce drag even more.
