• Question: how many hous a day do you work

    Asked by Lochlan to Naziyah, Namrah, John, Joanna, Hester, Ed, Adriana on 3 Mar 2021.
    • Photo: Ed Chester

      Ed Chester answered on 3 Mar 2021:

      Because i’m really tired right now, i’ll answer. I’m supposed to work 8, but during intensive testing campaigns (like now), it peaks around 14.

    • Photo: Hester Baird

      Hester Baird answered on 4 Mar 2021:

      I work about 8 or 9 hours a day on normal days, but like Ed, if it is a busy day then sometimes it can be more than that!

    • Photo: Adriana D'Souza

      Adriana D'Souza answered on 4 Mar 2021: last edited 4 Mar 2021 9:24 am

      When you are passionate about your work time just flies :). On paper I should work 7.5 hours Mo-Thu and 5 hours on Friday and you can keep to that, but when you do what you enjoy like this event engaging with students or presenting at conferences time stretches a bit longer. It’s up to you. We’re moving towards work based targets rather than time based ones in the long run. But it’s always good to look after yourself even if passionate about your work. We have a rule in the company that you should have at least 10 hours of rest between when you finished work on one day to when you start work the next day to allow a minimum time to rest.
