
Adriana D'Souza
Curriculum Vitae
Primary school, Cernavoda, Romania; Secondary School, Constanta, Romania; Traian High School, Constanta, Romania; Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania; Technical University of Munich, Germany
Baccalaureate, BSc, MSc
Work History:
IT consultant, Constanta, Romania; R&T Engineer, Siemens, Munich, Germany; Design and Development Engineer, Paris, France; Work package Lead, Munich, Germany; System Architect, Paris, France
Current Job:
Configuration Management Process Architect for Systems
About Me
I'm easy going, flexible planner, a communicator, likes to interact with people and likes to include people.
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I am originally from Romania but after a bit or tour in Europe for study and work I now live in Bristol with my husband and daughter. I used to play basketball but no longer do that but I am planning to have a hoop in the garden and teach my daughter how to play. I am an active and keen STEM ambassador. My pronouns are she/her.
My Work
I work with people and computers to make sure what the customer orders (e.g. a pink airoplane) is what they get.
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I work with people and computers to make sure what the customer orders (e.g. a pink airplane) is what they get. A key area of my work is managing changes (i.e. pink airplane should finally be red))
There’s a tale about a product that was made and launched into the sea. The launch was successful and the customer wanted to order more but the company that made the product was not sure they could make another product the same as they didn’t keep tracks of changes and what was written down did not reflect wat was on the product. A second success could not be guaranteed. Configuration management makes sure not only that the product is what the customer wants but also that we can make it again time and time over.
My Typical Day: My typical lockdown day starts at 09:00 with some meetings and writing reports about activities I had done the previous day/week. I stop for lunch at around 12 and in the afternoon I tend to have more meetings and prepare presentations about what we propose to improve or to explain a topic.
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My typical lockdown day starts with setting up my daughter for school registration at 08:45am then I normally start work at 09:00 with some meetings and writing reports about activities I had done the previous day/week. The little one has live class at 9:30 so I set her up for this and then she has an activity to do after the live class which she does alongside me. I stop for lunch at around 12 and we try to have a family lunch. In the afternoon I tend to have more meetings and prepare presentations about what we propose to improve or to explain a topic. In parallel my daughter has live class in the afternoon so I set het up for this. I normally finish by 18:00 but sometimes stretch till a bit later depending how the day has worked out with the school assignment.
What I'd do with the money
Hire a mobile planetarium for 2 local public school
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The mobile planetarium with an immersive environment is great. I session costs 250£ so could organize 2 sessions in 2 different primary school in my area in Bristol which would touch many disadvantaged pupils and hopefully inspire them towards engineering. There is a special learning school as well nearby so could look into offering this session if suitable to them.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
passionate about innovation
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
worked at European policy level
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My Math teacher
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
Didn't know, make a difference
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Any engineering related job, but always improving what we do
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Wish for health, happiness and life back to normal
Tell us a joke.
(from the movie HOME) Knock Knock! Who's There? Interrupting cow! Interrupting c.. Mooooooooo Moooooo!