Depends of how big you dream. You can:
Make a water bottle rocket (fly to 20m) – 1 hour
Assemble a small model rocket (fly to 50m) – 2 hours
Assemble a big model rocket (fly to 500m) – 5 hours
Make a black powder rocket from scratch (fly to 1km) – 3 days
Assemble a huge staged model rocket (fly to 5km) – 2 weeks
Assemble a massive staged model rocket (fly to 20km) – 4 months
Design/build a sounding rocket (fly to 100km [space]) – 1 years
Design/build a rocket capable of reaching orbit – 4 years
Reaching orbit with humans on board – over 10 years
Andrew commented on :
Oh no, it cut the answer short ๐
Depends of how big you dream. You can:
Make a water bottle rocket …(fly to 20m)………………………………. 10 years
Andrew commented on :
Please delete that one too ๐
Andrew commented on :
Third attempt at a fuller answer ๐
Depends of how big you dream. You can:
Make a water bottle rocket (fly to 20m) – 1 hour
Assemble a small model rocket (fly to 50m) – 2 hours
Assemble a big model rocket (fly to 500m) – 5 hours
Make a black powder rocket from scratch (fly to 1km) – 3 days
Assemble a huge staged model rocket (fly to 5km) – 2 weeks
Assemble a massive staged model rocket (fly to 20km) – 4 months
Design/build a sounding rocket (fly to 100km [space]) – 1 years
Design/build a rocket capable of reaching orbit – 4 years
Reaching orbit with humans on board – over 10 years