Xu Teo
My Work: I work in the Client Services team and handle interactions with customers, satellite operators and handle a range of technical tasks such as image...
Leah-Nani Alconcel
My Work: I work in a lab that builds scientific instruments, specifically magnetometers, for robotic spacecraft studying the Solar System.
Status: Booking test facilities for our newest space instrument
Latest Question:
why is science important to youLatest Comment:
How can you tell a black hole made out of antimatter from a black hole made out of matter? (1 comments) -
Kathryn Burrows
My Work: Computer modelling of an amazingly precise low gravity clock which will be installed on the International Space Station and will allow time experts...
Latest Question:
What if your dream job doesn’t give you enough money to survive?Latest Comment:
How does a black hole give off light? (1 comments) -
Ian Jones
My Work: CEO at Goonhilly Earth Station Ltd
Status: Here we go...
Latest Question:
What qualifications did you need to become an engineer?Latest Comment:
Are the familiar with the theory that the earth is flat? (1 comments) -
Hina Khan
My Work: I am the Project Coordinator for space mission activity and applications with Spire Global UK, a satellite data company using nanaosatellites it...
Andrew Margetts-Kelly
My Work: My work is very varied, I design electronics but also work on cameras, systems (a fancy word basically meaning playing with lego) and also on...
Status: Going to troupe
Latest Question:
do you believe in the multiverseLatest Comment:
How long does it take to build a rocket? (3 comments)