Questions Answered by Ian
- what is the best and the worst thing about your job ? by iansomerhaldenisbae and 1 other. to Ian, Andrew, Hina, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- How does a supernova completely destroy a star? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- How do stars move when viewed from a speeding space ship? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- Galaxies look stationary, so why do scientists say that they rotate? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- How can you cancel out the jolt of a quick start? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- How can you tell a black hole made out of antimatter from a black hole made out of matter? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (So far, one comment )
- How can astronomers know things for certain since they only look at space from one vantage point? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- Does every black hole contain a singularity? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- How do space probes make it past the asteroid belt without crashing into asteroids? by Mason The Amazing :) to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )
- When the sun has used up all of the hydrogen in its core, would it be possible for humans to create enough hydrogen to by 283spcn47 to Andrew, Hina, Ian, Kathryn, Leah-Nani, Xu Comments: (No comments so far )