• Question: What got you interested in engineering?

    Asked by Amyisawesome to Vinita, Rachel, Pam, Christopher, Brian, Andrew on 4 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by 599spcq28, Tegan.
    • Photo: Andrew Ratcliffe

      Andrew Ratcliffe answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I originally wanted to be an Astrophysicist as I loved space. But I started to think about these fantastic planetary missions designed by NASA and ESA and thought I actually find the spacecraft more interesting than the science they will be doing.

    • Photo: Pam Anderson

      Pam Anderson answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I was always interested in space and then in 6th year of High School I went to NASA in Houston as part of the Scottish Space School. When I was there I met lots of astronauts and engineers and that really sparked my interest in being an engineer in the space industry.

    • Photo: Brian Weaver

      Brian Weaver answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      Enjoying math and science in high school got me started in engineering. I had the most fun when I used math/science to solve real-life problems. That’s basically what engineering is!
      Engineering is great because there are so many different topics to study. Before I specialized in satellite navigation, I studied structural, electrical, surveying, environmental, geotechnical, and nuclear engineering!

    • Photo: Rachel Hudson

      Rachel Hudson answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I first found out about engineering when my friends at university were studying it. I thought that their work sounded really interesting and they got to do loads of cool projects and programming challenges. It was like they were taking what we learnt in physics and maths and actually applying it to real world problems
