• Question: Do you go to space

    Asked by 296spag42 to Betty, Isaac, Kieran, Silvia, Will on 4 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by Abby, 599spag43.
    • Photo: Kieran Arnold

      Kieran Arnold answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      no , but i do get to work with NASA and I get to see a lot of the people who train as part of the manned space flight program.

    • Photo: Betty Bonnardel-Azzarelli

      Betty Bonnardel-Azzarelli answered on 5 Nov 2016:

      No, I have only been on airplanes, but never into higher altitudes and space. I sometimes wish I could go to space. Many engineers have been into space.

    • Photo: Silvia Pardo

      Silvia Pardo answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      No, I wish I could but the satellites I work with do not have enough room for people.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      No, but I would like to go to space one day.

    • Photo: Isaac Llorens

      Isaac Llorens answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      No, I would go if I had the opportunity though.
