• Question: What time do you finish?

    Asked by 855spag42 to Kieran, Betty, Isaac, Silvia, Will on 4 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by 376spag42.
    • Photo: Silvia Pardo

      Silvia Pardo answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      I’m usually in very early in the morning and out by 4. I have a flexible schedule, so I can work at any time!

    • Photo: Kieran Arnold

      Kieran Arnold answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      it varies dependant on my workload , meetings and project commitments , normally it about 6pm

    • Photo: Betty Bonnardel-Azzarelli

      Betty Bonnardel-Azzarelli answered on 5 Nov 2016:

      It depends who I work with. Sometimes, when I work with colleagues in the USA or Canada, I have to work late in the evening, because of the time difference.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      It depends, I usually try to leave between 430pm and 5pm.
