0 Question: ~whats your favorite type of pizza? ~how tall are you? Keywords: pizza, tall Asked by gehelu to Will, Betty, Isaac, Kieran, Silvia on 7 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by Miniminter21.
Betty Bonnardel-Azzarelli answered on 7 Nov 2016:
My favourite pizza is marguerita with loads of cheese!
Silvia Pardo answered on 7 Nov 2016:
Mushrooms, corn and jalapenos with extra mozzarella. Yum.
Isaac Llorens answered on 7 Nov 2016:
Any non spicy with bacon.
Kapster commented on 7 Nov 2016:
Wow! =)
that guy who is weird commented on 8 Nov 2016:
Kapster commented on :
Wow! =)
that guy who is weird commented on :