An engineer, of course! His name was Charles Babbage and he invented the first mechanical computer, it was basically a giant calculator made of gears and wheels and you had to give it instructions using punched cards.
I’m going to disagree with Silvia and chuck Alan Turing’s name into the mix – he was the first to prove that you could program a machine to do different things and even laid out the architecture of modern computers and the way they read and write to memory whilst they’re doing calculations.
I agree with Silvia because We could argue that the first computer was the abacus or its descendant, the slide rule, invented by William Oughtred in 1622. But the first computer resembling today’s modern machines was the Analytical Engine, a device conceived and designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871.
Mark commented on :
I’m going to disagree with Silvia and chuck Alan Turing’s name into the mix – he was the first to prove that you could program a machine to do different things and even laid out the architecture of modern computers and the way they read and write to memory whilst they’re doing calculations.
Unknown123 commented on :
I agree with Silvia because We could argue that the first computer was the abacus or its descendant, the slide rule, invented by William Oughtred in 1622. But the first computer resembling today’s modern machines was the Analytical Engine, a device conceived and designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871.