
Adrian Brazeley
Curriculum Vitae
Campion School, Hornchurch, Essex
O Levels – English, English Literature, Maths, Geography, French, Russian, Chemistry, Physics, Biology. A Levels – Maths, Physics, Chemistry, General Studies. Degree: Chemical Engineering
Work History:
During School: Littlewoods on tills, Surveyors in summer, Worked in travel agents in London, Worked for BP Chemicals in Grangemouth as a student making polyethyene, South West Water in Exeter as engineer working on water plants, SCM Chemicals in Grimsby making Titanium Dioxide used in paint, Sealed Air Corporation in St. Neots near Cambridge makign plastic packaging used in food and pizza packaging, Johnson Matthey in Royston making gold inks
Current Job:
Senior Manufacturing Engineer
Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells
About Me
I am a chemical engineer working for Johnson Matthey manufacturing hydrogen fuel cells
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I am from Upminster in Essex originally but have lived in lots of places in the UK including Exeter, Grimsby, Falkirk in Scotland and Cambridge.
I now live near Bath in Wiltshire with my family. We have a very hairy dog who loves to go on walks in the fields or near the river. I love to watch Race Around the World and hopefully go to the places they visit. I like camping and holidays near the sea especially Greek islands. In the lockdown I am learning how to bake cakes.
I am interested in space especially recent Space X launch to the International Space Station and also more recently learning more about history which I never did at school.
My Work
I make hydrogen Fuel Cells which will stop harmful pollution from cars and buses
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My job is as Senior Manufacturing Engineer for Johnson Matthey manufacturing hydrogen fuel cells used to power cars, buses, forklift trucks and also back up power for hospitals and shopping malls with no harmful emissions to the environment only water.
This involves making new products, improving quality, reducing cost and increasing throughput. I have to talk to many different people from around the world eg. Korea or USA.
Another major part of my role is Process Safety since we use chemicals and processes which have risks that need controlling so no one is hurt.
My Typical Day: I get up at 6. I walk the dog. I drive to work and start at 8.30. I check on the factory which works at night aswell. I solve problems, collect data and present to other people using Excel and Powerpoint.
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When I arrive at work at 8.30 I now have my temperature checked and put handgel on my hands before entering the factory. I have to leave my mobile phone in a locker due to security. I speak to the people on the production lines to see if they have any problems. The factory works 24 hours a day. I check my emails and then work on my projects which vary from improving the quality of our products, to improving the safety of making a catalyst. I have lunch at 1pm keeping a distance of 2m from my work colleagues. I then have meetings on Microsoft Teams which is like zoom with work colleagues, some of whom are at home.
I have then to review data on our raw materials which we buy from suppliers around the world eg. Japan. We have laboratories in the factory to test this.
I then have meetings with one of our customers in the USA near New York. We sell fuel cells to them and they then put them together, in another factory, into units to sell to customers around the world. I finish at 5pm and have to pass through security like in an airport to check I have no precious metals (platinum), which is used in our fuel cells and drive home again.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Positive, happy, approachable
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Working in Fuel Cells which will help reduce pollution and people's health and also reduce global warming
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My chemistry teacher
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Chemical Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
A little bit - I walked out of a class for a laugh but had corporal punishment - I was hit with a leather strap!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would like to work on the space programme
Who is your favourite singer or band?
U2, The Specials but I like a lot of music
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I have done a sky dive and a bungy jump
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish I did not have a mortgage, had more money and had more holidays
Tell us a joke.
What do you call a fish with no eyes - a fsh