My Work: I give YOU power by working out how to get oil and gas stuck deep underground to power stations to make electricity so you can watch TV, have hot...
Status: Noooo!!! Well that was fun while it lasted :). Keep the questions coming!
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My Work: My job at the moment means I work in different areas of the business over a 2 year stretch. I am currently working with warships, looking at...
Latest Question:What inspired you to work with warships?
My Work: I help design and build control systems for particle accelerators. They are used to find out the structure of everything from ancient paintings to...
Latest Question:You said you did a year in industry. Would you say it was worth it or is it better to continue with studies and work
Latest Comment:Week 1 – Engineer of the week is Will! 🎛️ (1 comments)
My Work: I manage a team of design and development engineers who work on improving Corins Hip and Knee implant designs to make them more effective and the...
My Work: I assist on projects that finds ways protect the overhead lines that power trains, and help find new/better ways to protect them
Latest Question:What university did you study at and what was your experience studying engineering like?
Latest Question:What has made you happy in your work?
My Work: I manage and coordinate the global training of offshore surveyors, engineers and scientists in how to use acoustic positioning systems or...
Latest Question:What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
My Work: I levitate objects using sound
Latest Question:do you have any university courses that you would recommend?
Latest Comment:Which is better, a scientist or an engineer and why? (1 comments)
My Work: I am one of the engineers responsible for bringing artificial limbs into the 21st century
Latest Question:KFC or McDonald’s?
Latest Comment:was this the dream you always wanted as a kid/teen? (1 comments)
My Work: I design electronics for making people more productive in offices
Latest Question:How many people would it take to lift a car?
Latest Comment:What is the easiest and hardest part of engineering? (1 comments)
My Work: I use a 3D printer to make new metal bones, and research ways to do it even better!
Status: What kind of bone should I print next?
Latest Question:have any of your printed bones ever been used by medical staff? If so, is it rewarding to see the effects of your
Latest Comment:How does 3D machines created 3 dimensional shape like objects and copies of that same thing. (1 comments)
My Work: My work as a Civil Engineer involves looking after ways to collect water and transport it safely away to be treated.
Latest Question:How often do you have to work with people in different fields of engineering in projects
Latest Comment:Why did you become a civil engineer? (1 comments)
My Work: I design buildings and structures to make sure they are stable and secure. So far in my career, I have designed a leisure centre, apartment...
Latest Question:why and how did you choose to study Structural Engineering and Architecture over a more general degree such as maths or
Latest Comment:How long did you have to train to become an engineer (1 comments)
My Work: I design products that allow us to measure very small distances. These are used in the production of phones, TV screens, and in robot movement.
Latest Question:How long did it take you to be an engineer?
Latest Comment:What do you like to study ? (1 comments)
My Work: I design equipment for gas turbines on oil rigs. An aeroplane engine is a type of gas turbine .
My Work: I'm responsible for building the offshore platforms that get the electricity from the wind turbines to land
My Work: I help other engineering companies fix their problems in nuclear power stations and wind turbines. This makes sure we can keep making electricity so...
Latest Question:Apparently peanut butter can be converted into a diamond. How does this work?
Latest Comment:When do you think the next rocket will be launched into space and for what purposes. (1 comments)
My Work: I find ways to improve precious metals production process to increase capacity and safety.
My Work: I help to design, build and repair bridges. I work on all sorts of bridges – road bridges, railway bridges, bridges for people, and canal bridges.
Latest Question:How strong is your largest beige and what could it support
My Work: I work within a team of engineers who design buildings to be safe in extreme events, like earthquakes and blasts.
Latest Question:How does it feel to be an engineer
My Work: I figure out how we can make batteries for different vehicles and what processes are needed in that assembly. Then what we can automate - meaning how...
Latest Question:To become the same kind of engineer as you, what should I study
Latest Comment:What does your research involve? And how does computers help with and/or retrieve this data? (1 comments)
My Work: I design things to help clean up the waste left by the nuclear industry.
Latest Question:What types of jobs would you do if you worked in a Nuclear Power Plant?
Latest Comment:If you weren't doing what you're doing now, what would you be doing? (1 comments)
My Work: I write and test software for large scale control systems that Siemens creates and uses to control railway systems across the world
Status: Ready to answer questions on railways and software
Latest Question:How has the coronavirus lockdown affected your work? Are you still able to work on your projects?
Latest Comment:how many different types of engineers are there (1 comments)
My Work: I design parts for passenger aeroplanes to make them lighter and more efficient
Latest Question:What‘s one piece of advice you’d go back and tell yourself when starting out in engineering?
My Work: I am responsible for safety & technical management of the NATO Submarine Rescue System
Latest Question:Why did you choose to be a Naval Architect?
Latest Comment:What inspired you to work with warships? (1 comments)
My Work: At the moment I am still studying different topics of engineering! A major project I have been working on this year involves designing and making a...
My Work: I Work for NAVBLUE which is part of Airbus as a Product Application Specialist
Latest Question:Why do you wear a mask
My Work: Well Engineer - I design Oil wells to get Oil/Gas out of the ground.
My Work: I invent new ways of using sound to make the world a safer place. We can send sound waves along a railway track, and if there are cracks the sound...
Latest Comment:When/ how did you find out this was a job? (1 comments)
My Work: I control and design a small company making and designing bike racks which we sell to the trade and public.
Latest Question:Why do some planes have different airfoils?
Latest Comment:What do you invent (1 comments)
My Work: I design structures and machines to be used on ships and underwater
My Work: I write computer code to save lives
Latest Question:How can you make battery powered electronics last longer?
My Work: I design and develop products which are used by doctors to help make people better.
My Work: I study Electronic Engineering, so I work on making new technologies like chips (computers "brains") and smart devices safer from attacks!
Status: From circuits to artificial intelligence to coding to university life...ask me anything! :D
My Work: I project manage any new work construction works taking place at lifeboat stations across the whole of the UK and Ireland.
Latest Comment:What university did you study at and what was your experience studying engineering like? (1 comments)
My Work: I work as an Engineer at Jaguar Landrover developing autonomous vehicles - cars which can either fully or partly drive by themselves.
My Work: I care for the world's oldest metal ship, now a museum. I use computer-controlled equipment to keep it as dry as the desert and stop rust!
Latest Question:Tell us a joke.
My Work: I manage large projects from changing people's jobs, to changing corporate livery to building radio networks for the Police.
Latest Question:Have you done any projects that have failed? If so, if you could go back and change one thing you did, what would it be?
My Work: I work in the Satellite Communications industry and my work is to make sure projects run smoothly and finish on time and within the budget it is...
Latest Question:How many types if engineers are there?
My Work: I'm part of a team which looks after and designs repairs for structures (bridges, gantries, walls, culverts, pipes and shafts etc) as well as new...
My Work: I design systems for aeroplane engines in an attempt to make them more powerful, efficient, safer and greener.
Latest Question:Hello! Your job sounds really interesting, and it’s something I would love to do. How much time do you spend in the
Latest Comment:How can you prevent/reduce aircraft from crash landings. (1 comments)
My Work: I help to design and improve coal and gas power stations
Latest Question:*Star question* Do you think that carbon neutral or carbon zero is possible? – MalaikaQ, live chat
My Work: I manage the launch of new cars from design to in production
My Work: Process Safety Consultant working wherever I'm needed...
My Work: I'm a Chemical Engineer working in precious metal recovery. I take technology from the lab to get rare metals back from waste and make it big so it...
My Work: I am a Hydraulics Design Engineer, and I work in the construction industry. I am involved in improving existing products and designing systems for...
Latest Question:Do you sometimes need to cancel a project because it is getting to complex or to expencive
My Work: Senior Engineer, I work in an Engine Factory producing engines for Jaguars and Land Rover vehicles.
Latest Comment:What do you love best about working in vehicles and transport and/or infrastructure? (1 comments)
My Work: I am involved in the design and construction of all things associated with Roads.
Latest Question:What is the hardest project or the one you are most proud of?
My Work: I lead a team which tests car, bus and lorry engine parts to make sure the engine won't break down.
Latest Question:What kind of damage is visible under a microscope?
Latest Comment:What kind of damage is visible under a microscope? (1 comments)
My Work: Providing solutions to problems
Status: Thanks for voting for me and thank you to the other Engineers, its been fun
My Work: I also help people become engineers who never thought they could.
My Work: I work in an aircraft mechanic, helping to fix aeroplane parts so they can fly again safely
Latest Comment:You said you did a year in industry. Would you say it was worth it or is it better to continue with studies and work (1 comments)
My Work: Most of my work is creating new structures for railways - mostly stations and bridges.
My Work: I am a design engineer working in the world of civil enginering. I use engineering calculations to work out the best ways we can build things like...
Latest Question:What is the best thing about civil engineering?
My Work: I design and test new dressings and plasters for large wounds, so that people can heal quicker. I'm currently making face shields for the NHS, you...
Status: Looking forward to talking all things engineering with you! Thor is the best Avenger. FACT.
Latest Question:Do you enjoy making face shields for the NHS?
My Work: I study how to create new medical pieces of equipment that can help doctors save more lives!
Latest Question:Do you do environmental stuff
My Work: I design Building Structures - anything from house to multi-storey buildings. Imagine if an Architect designed your body and how you looked. I would...
My Work: I researched a new technology that layers sheets of cells like a cake, to help millions repair their damaged bones!
Status: THANK YOU FOR VOTING EVERYONE!!! #TeamLizzie!!!!
Latest Question:Is physics the most important part of engineering
My Work: I help engineers make 'encoders', which are the sensors that robots use to know what position their arms are in!
Status: Ready to answer some questions! :) Ask me about robots, my job, mechanical engineering, making things...
Latest Question:What comes to your mind when you hear the word engineering?
My Work: I’m looking for a way to successfuly freeze cells, tissues and organs so we can keep them longer and ensure they can be successfully transfused...
My Work: I design and develop equipment for military planes and helicopters.
Status: Ready to answer all your questions - send them over!
Latest Question:how do you get better at knowing the technical terminology?
My Work: I am a Lighting and Electrical Engineer specialising in the outside world
Latest Question:What is the difference between electronic engineering, electrical engineering and an electrician?
My Work: I've always worked with aircraft; their operations, maintenance, design, buying them, and even scrapping them when they were really old
Latest Comment:What was the most interesting aircraft you worked on and how you did you make it more efficient? (1 comments)
My Work: I work with big machines that make electricity. They can be anywhere in the world and some are even on North Sea oil platforms
Latest Question:What the most fun thing you’ve ever done as an Engineer?
Latest Comment:How does it feel to be an engineer (1 comments)
My Work: I help design bridges and structures we often link to Railways. Most of the things we design are made from concrete and steel.
Latest Comment:What comes to your mind when you hear the word engineering? (1 comments)
My Work: I used to design spacecraft and visit schools to show kids how they could do that type of job. I now help other people share their job stories with...
Status: Working from home and wishing I could enjoy the sunshine
My Work: I help people find solutions to their engineering problems
Latest Comment:Is physics the most important part of engineering (1 comments)
My Work: I currently work as a Production Scheduler for a defence contractor. We design Manufacture and test scale models of surface ships and submarines.
Latest Question:I want ask what have some of you engineers done to support the NHS and what ideas do you have to help provide and
My Work: I work in a company called Oxford Space Systems where I am a maintenance engineer putting together antennas and other space technologies.
Latest Question:Have helped any people with your job?
My Work: I am a PhD student and involved in a project where we are developing a tiny pill that takes a live video of the human guts and beyond to uncover...
My Work: I work in safety for jet engines at Rolls-Royce. Myself and my colleagues help each other to understand the wear and tear of different components...
Latest Comment:what is your favourite bridge? (1 comments)
My Work: I work at University at the moment teaching NHS leaders to improve care, soon I will go back into the NHS as a leader at an Ambulance service to help...
Latest Comment:How many types if engineers are there? (1 comments)
My Work: I help people to build buildings which are more environmentally friendly, safer and more comfortable to be in.
My Work: I work on reducing the climate change impacts from heating and cooling buildings. This uses heat pumps which work like a fridge in reverse.
My Work: I draw plans for houses and make sure the house is strong enough for it to stand on its own.
My Work: I’m a mechanical engineer and currently I’m working with medical devices. Im really looking forward to this event and having the opportunity to...
Status: Loved this event! I'm going to mss you all :( OUCH! Off to console myself with some chocolate. Good luck Martin and Paige.
My Work: I make sure buildings stand up, and work on both new buildings and making changes to existing ones
Latest Comment:What GCSE's did you do? (1 comments)
My Work: I design ways to 'capture' the greenhouse gas emissions from a power plant, so that we can fight climate change.
My Work: I manage projects to develop products and systems for cars, trying to engineer a better world.
Latest Question:What would you say is the best educational path to become an engineer?
My Work: I am currently on an operations future leadership graduate scheme. I am a chemical engineer and I improve the safety, efficiency or the capacity of...
My Work: Working with companies and helping them get incentives from the HMRC
Status: Two amazing weeks!
Latest Question:How are machines useful and functioned to help perform operations/surgeries.
My Work: Finding ways of taking care of our beaches and coastline
My Work: I invent cooling systems that prevent nuclear fusion plants, aeroplane engines and EV batteries from melting or worse.
My Work: I design and make small implants which connect with nerves and muscles in the body.
Latest Question:What can you convert an old washing machine into?
My Work: I am a BMS engineer, which means i look for ways to save energy inside buildings.
Status: I can tell you all about engineering apprenticeships, manufacturing, electricity, energy and more! Ask me anything :)
Latest Comment:If you weren't a mechanical engineer, what would you be? (1 comments)
My Work: I make sure that materials don't break when used.
Latest Comment:What was the hardest thing to do in your career? (1 comments)
My Work: I design sea-ports to ensure that the there is enough space and equipment to allow all of the food and other products that we need everyday to arrive...
My Work: I am a Design for Additive Manufacturing Engineer. I design parts for gas turbines that can be 3d printed.
Latest Question:What is your favorite animal?
My Work: I come up with cool new ways to put aircraft parts together
My Work: I am a former pilot. Now I audit airlines and helicopter companies to verify they fly and maintain their aircraft safely. I also inspect aircraft,...
Latest Comment:What is your favorite animal? (1 comments)
My Work: I look at the engineering of earth materials like soil and rock to help construct things like bridges, roads, railways and buildings.
My Work: I design technology that enables the Navy to find submarines.
My Work: I work at a power station which supplies the whole country with power
My Work: I work out how to make thin plastic films.
My Work: I am part of a team that designs and develops the interior of passenger cars for Polestar - an electric performance brand.
My Work: I am a water engineer. I help design the network and systems required to deal with wastewater that goes down the drain or is flushed; as well as rain...
My Work: I test and fix electronics that are used in submarines.
My Work: I'm an Engineering Manager in a Medicine Factory. I lead a team of engineers, to make sure maintenance is carried out so that we keep our staff safe...
Status: “Having fun today keeping our production areas cool in this warm weather. The chiller units are a little bit unhappy!
My Work: I am a project manager and work to build renewable energy projects, like wind farms and solar farms.
My Work: I help design and develop process and parts for brain surgery to help treat diesases
My Work: I work with architects to design buildings, I make sure they stand up and won't fall down.
My Work: I work with the ground control facilities that form part of space missions, providing communications and tracking for spacecraft.
Status: Working from home
Latest Question:How long did it take to be in your job position today?
My Work: I design the electric motor and generator that will power the hybrid electric aircraft of the future.
My Work: Road Transport Consultant Engineer
Latest Comment:Do any of you work in the engineering of cameras or photography equipment? (1 comments)
My Work: I design and engineer Life Saftey Systems to protect buildings and people from Fire
Latest Comment:How many jobs have you done? (1 comments)
My Work: I work as a senior technologist at Castrol. It is my job to speak with the people who make subsea equipment that is used to operate oil and gas...
My Work: My recent work has been about renewable energy and the efficient use of energy. I worked for Thames Water making Power from Poo.
My Work: Flight Controls Lead Engineer for F-35B / Lightning II Jet Fighter
My Work: I'm a consultant, so I help people and companies figure out how to solve their problems - even when they aren't quite sure what the problems are!
My Work: I help manage big roads projects like building dual carriageways
My Work: I work to improve the drinking water around Scotland using maths, science and engineering
Latest Comment:What type of engineering do you do? (1 comments)
My Work: I work with engineers and scientists who have built a colour 3D camera. Together, we are understanding the details of how our camera will work on...
Latest Question:Why can we only see visible light and not other electromagnetic waves through our eyes?
My Work: I design and engineer performance boats so that they look beautiful whilst staying in one piece and winning races.
Latest Question:How long did you work on you most difficult project
My Work: I make sure lots of things aren't too noisy or vibrate too much
Latest Comment:What do you recommend for graduating with an engineering degree? (1 comments)
My Work: I work in making sure new rail projects to help with travel are installed - new stations, track, signals and high tech equipment.
My Work: Provide technical help to suppliers
Latest Question:What was your most valuable/ useful subject at school?
My Work: My research is looking at designing better treatment for the ankle – for young and old patients alike!
Status: Really excited to be back here to talk engineering!
Latest Question:What type of engineering do you do?
Latest Comment:What is your favourite sport ? (1 comments)
My Work: I help to maintain and improve the road and rail networks and bridges which we all use to get around.
Latest Comment:How likely is someone to get electrocuted while making the rails? (1 comments)
My Work: I work on aircraft fuel systems, essentially my job requires me to make sure fuel is delivered to the aircraft engines in all operating conditions,...
My Work: As a civil maritime engineer, I design structures for ports and shipyards.
My Work: As an Engineer and Technical Project Manager. I lead teams that deliver new software product versions to our customers, which will improve their data...
My Work: I construct and investigate hydraulic models of sewer systems. I use computer and mapping software to investigate flood risk and flood mechanisms,...
My Work: I design new bridges and other structures that the trains use, to make them get around faster.
My Work: I spend my time managing a boat that inspects and fixes equipment on the seabed that is essential to the UKs Oil and Gas supply.
My Work: I help manage a project examining how the Royal Navy can dismantle their old nuclear submarines
Latest Question:Have you ever done anything wrong in your work?
Latest Comment:How much time did it took to build the Prince of Wales warship. And I saw on Natgeo about a incident of sinking because (1 comments)
My Work: I help make sure satellites work in space
My Work: I help build systems to provide the Internet to people in very out of the way places; often in Africa
My Work: I study animals' sense of touch (like spiders) to help design new and useful things (like robots) that can sense the world around them
My Work: I work for an insurance company and try to help people not to burn their factory down on blow their boilers up.
Latest Question:What have people said about your work?
My Work: I look for new ways to design and build foundations, which are the bits under a building that stops it from sinking into the ground.
My Work: I work on the design on new roads, footways and cycleways and I also find ways to improve existing ones.
My Work: Subsea Engineering - it's mechanical engineering, at the bottom of the ocean.
Latest Comment:What's the most we can do to stop climate change? (1 comments)
My Work: I look for innovative ways to design bridges that can withstand earthquakes, strong winds and blasts.
My Work: I'm a Data Centre engineering expert and I look for single points of failure in power and cooling systems used to stop the internet going down.
Status: Do you use the Internet? Wanna know how it happens??? :-)
My Work: Designing and building robotic sensor nodes for monitoring offshore structures
Latest Comment:How does a person with an artificial limb control the movement? from Harry (1 comments)
My Work: I help to design the layout of future sports cars and SUVs
Latest Comment:What company did you do your degree apprenticeship with? (1 comments)
My Work: I make hydrogen Fuel Cells which will stop harmful pollution from cars and buses
My Work: I am in charge of the "Locomotion Subsystem" on a mission called the Sample Fetch Rover - that means I'm in charge of all the parts that will make...
Latest Question:Is there any possibility that humans can live in space.
My Work: I develop methods to test fluids in cars, and I am starting to use digital skills to cope with data
Latest Comment:What type of weapons do you design for the helicopters and planes? I'm niall (1 comments)
My Work: I make sure that the things my company will make meet what my customers want. Part of this is making sure the items are safe, and to make sure that...
My Work: I'm GIS specialist with 12 years experience. GIS stands for Geographical Information Systems.
My Work: I make sure that our engineers are working safely and are keeping machines running properly. So that the temperatur is ok and the lights are working...
My Work: I work on a variety of projects. In the last year I've worked on projects in space, in the air, on sea, and underwater!!
My Work: I work in making medical device equipment to help people around the world.
My Work: I work in electrical engineering designing and installing electrical equipment that keeps electricity going in all of your homes and schools!
My Work: I look for ways to make energy that means it is clean and good for our planet
My Work: I manage the team who are responsible for engineering all bonnets on Jaguar and Land Rover cars. They need to be safe, meet structural requirements,...
My Work: Project Planning and Construction Manager
My Work: I design satellites for space
My Work: I control and maintain robots that make components for cars.
My Work: I work with Engineers that make helmets to keep people safe
My Work: I'm working to see how we can decarbonise gas to heat homes and other buildings
My Work: I design and assess bridges and write engineering contracts.
My Work: I am a Civil Engineer working to improve dams and pipes
My Work: I build and look after energy so that our homes stay warm and light!
My Work: Research surrounding digital manufacturing.
Latest Question:How long have you been doing this.
Latest Comment:What do you have to do/study to become an engineer? (1 comments)
My Work: Managing highways projects
My Work: I use lasers in a production environment. I am working at a very small scale (microns) and I study how light is interacting with materials.
My Work: I look for ways to help make live video, concert touring imagery and augmented reality work more easily
My Work: I design and develop the wiper systems for a global car manufacturer. Working from initial concept to delivery (when I see my parts on cars in the...
My Work: I look after several vehicles that can drive on their own.
My Work: I am involved in the chemical factories which produce petrol and diesel, and also fertilizer to help plants grow.
My Work: I work for a company that manufactures the ingreients that make painkillers work (along with some anaesthetics and Bitrex, which is the bitterest...
Latest Comment:Tell us a joke. (1 comments)
My Work: I design interesting bits of Electronics for other companies
My Work: Sometimes, things like metal pipes or panels break and can be very dangerous. Using a computer, I can tell in advance how these things will break,...
My Work: I use maths and physics to design water treatment plants, ensuring the water that comes out your tap is safe to drink
Latest Question:How do you make water clean
My Work: I have made parts for robots, cars and medical equipment.