
Craig Hendry
Curriculum Vitae
I started at Clarkston Primary school and then went onto Caldervale High School. Both in Airdrie.
I found high school difficult but managed to get 8 GCSEs.
Work History:
When I left school I was a plasterer for a number of years until I decided to go to college then university. While studying I worked in a call centre and sold electricity over the phone. When I graduated I worked with a company you builds the control panels for wind turbines.
Current Job:
In my current job I design the rehabilitation of water mains for problem areas around Scotland. This can be from pipes that burst alot to pipes that have too much iron in them.
My current employer is AECOM.
About Me
I am 31, Engineer that works on Scotlands Water network. Background in mechanical/civil engineering and environmental management
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I live in Airdrie with my girlfriend. We ‘share’ her dog, Poppy with her parents. My favourite type of food is Italian. I enjoy running, watching rugby and tv series.
My Work
I work to improve the drinking water around Scotland using maths, science and engineering
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I work as a design engineer in AECOM and currently work with Scottish Water to design ways to improve the water network and drinking water. This may be to help fix pipes that always burst or to replace pipes that have a high iron content. Another part of my job is to look at tasks to try and improve and simply them, an example of this is a current project where I used complex equations found in engineering books to create an excel spreadsheet to find the bouynancy of water pipes in particular areas of the country. This allowed anyone to be able to get the result without having a knowledge of equations.
My Typical Day: When I arrive to work I use my computer to look at the water network. In places of problems I need to put on my hi Vis clothes and go out and see the area. This means I can understand more about the area.
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My work has alot of computers in them and everyone generally uses a software called AutoCAD. This allows us to view the water network in the area we are working and can then let me calculate the relevant solutions to the problems and how we can implement them. As many water pipes were in the ground before houses were built on top. So we need to work around them.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Persistent, inquisitive, friendly
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
I have been apart of a team that has been able to clean problematic water mains to benefit potentially vulnerable customers.
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My Granpa, growing up he was very creative. When he left the RAF he was an art teacher
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to be an engineer but didnt get the grades at the time. So became a plasterer first and then studied some more.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
A few times. Only because id think I'd know the answer and shout out
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I think I would be in the fire brigade
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I like Gerry cinnamon and ELO
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Driving a Lamborghini as a birthday present
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I'd be famous, I'd be rich and I'd be taller lol
Tell us a joke.
What's a wind turbines favourite colour? Blew