
Matthew Burgess
Curriculum Vitae
I went to local schools and a college in my hometown, then I moved to Coventry University when I was 18.
10 or 11 GCSE’s, 3 and a half A-Levels (Maths, Chemistry, Graphic Design and Physics), BEng Mechanical Engineering (1st Class w/ Honours)
Work History:
When I moved to university,(and when I was back home over the holidays) I worked in various bars and arenas, then I completed a year in industry at a military armour company in Coventry (NP Aerospace), and then I completed the JCB engineering graduate scheme.
Current Job:
I am currently a Hydrualic Design engineer
My Work
I am a Hydraulics Design Engineer, and I work in the construction industry. I am involved in improving existing products and designing systems for new machines.
My Typical Day: Breakfast and cup of tea, start of the day admin and a cup of tea, first meeting to update the project manager on any issues, then try and determine countermeasures for any problems on the machine that are known, this is mostly hampered by people interrupting me asking for help finding a missing component, or to introduce me to a new issue.
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Well the day starts with me grumpily rolling out of bed at 6:15am to make sure I have breakfast and a cup of tea before work. I get to work for about 7:45 to try and get a little admin done before a project update meeting at 8:00. From then on there’s very little regularity, normally I am assessing any comments that have come from the the pre-production fitters who are putting together the first few versions of a new product; from their comments I either need to make a design change to make assembly easier, or I need to explain why something is how it is. This is normally interrupted by people asking where missing components are… I also spend a lot of time marking drawing changes that have come from our engineering team in India, to ensure no mistakes have been made. This keeps going until 17:00 when it’s finishing time, but I normally stay around for another 30 minutes so I can finish admin and not sit in traffic 🙂
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Enthusiastic, Pedantic, Sleepy
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
On my undergraduate placement I designed a small bracket to help save lives of Armed Personel that use Army People Carriers
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
F1 engineers like Ross Brawn and Adrien Newey
What was your favourite subject at school?
Science (I think I prefered Chemistry over Physics and Biology)
What did you want to be after you left school?
I've wanted to be an engineer since I was about 10!!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Occasionaly for little indiscretions (late homework, etc)
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I'd want to be a doctor
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Enter Shikari at the moment (I'm loving their new album)
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I once rode a camel in the Sahara, and then camped there over night
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Better memory, be able to speak loads of languages, and to not get injured every year when I play hockey
Tell us a joke.
Did you know that an antelope can jump higher than the average house? This is partially because of its powerful hind legs, and the fact a house can't jump :)