
Paul Brett
Curriculum Vitae
Dunoon Grammar School
Standard Grades (O-Levels), Scottish Highers & Advanced Highers (A-Levels), 1st Masters Mechanical Engineering – University of Edinburgh (5years)
Work History:
Maths tutor, university engineering tutor, DJ, working on bunjee trampoline, researcher in football technology, researching bacteria dectection in pipes, structural engineer, riser engineer
Current Job:
Principal Subsea Riser Engineer
McDermott is a US engineering company which owns a number of vessels which lay pipelines and other equipment in the oceans.
About Me
Subsea Engineer in Oil and Gas
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I live in London with my wife in our apartment. I grew up in Scotland but started work in London and have been here ever since.
I enjoy sailing & chess – and I volunteer with my local housing association.
When I can, I like to travel.
My Work
I design structures and machines to be used on ships and underwater
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Hi, My name is Paul and I have spent my career in the oil and gas sector after completing a mechanical engineering degree at the University of Edinburgh.
My work has been designing structures and machines to be used subsea (underwater) in the oceans, and on ships.
Part of what I do is using computers and special programs to make sure that equipment does not break during bad weather, where there might be large waves or strong winds.
My Typical Day: My typical day is to log into work in the morning using my company's laptop and control other, more powerful computers to do simulations of ships and equipment at sea. I will go to meetings with our clients, and go to internal meetings with different departments and with suppliers. Sometimes I will present the results of my work. I also produce long technical reports that have to be checked and accepted by our clients.
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When not working from home, I work at Bedfont Lakes (see above picture). It is in Feltham, and so it takes me a while to get to work from South London. I’ll make a coffee and then set up my laptop.
I use powerful computers linked together to simulate the movement of ships and the lines which connect them to the oil and gas during severe weather (like hurricanes, or large storms). I use programming languages such as Python. When I am finished I have to write long reports that are checked by other engineers.
I have to present my work to clients and other teams. I have travelled to many interesting places with my work, including Nigeria, Mexico, Norway, France and America.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Relaxed, Curious, Friendly
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Travelled to Nigeria to meet with other engineering companies
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
I was good at maths and wanted to know how things work.
What was your favourite subject at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Sea plane pilot
What's your favourite food?
Shrove Tuesday pancakes
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Sailing in Greece