
Robert Wild
Curriculum Vitae
I went to school in County Durham where i did my GCSEs and A-levels. From there i went to university at Liverpool John Mooores University.
Work History:
I started work at 13 as a paper delivery boy. I them worked at a museum callled Beamish from the age of 16 until 20 on weekends and school / university holidays. During university i worked in America during the summer at Camps for children, where i was a Mountain Biking teacher.
Current Job:
Mechanical Engineer
My Employer is Sellafield Ltd, which is responsible for the running of the UKs biggest nuclear site and also the decommissioning of some of the UKs oldest nuclear buildings and wastes.
About Me
I am a 30 year old Mechanical Engineer, working in the Nuclear Industry, who lives in Warrington with my Wife (Helen) who is a Civil Engineer!
My Work
I design things to help clean up the waste left by the nuclear industry.
My Typical Day: I get to work at 7:30am! Where I meet my team of engineers. We spend the day solving problems, drawing, doing sums and talking to lots of people. I sometimes travel all around the country to visit places where my designs are been made I then visit the places where the things I have designed and made are been used. I leave work at 4pm and drive home for my dinner.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Inquisative, Fun,
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
I designed and built a robotic arm
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My cousin and dad.
What was your favourite subject at school?
Science & Engineering
What did you want to be after you left school?
An Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes, life is about learning and somtimes you take a wrong turn but its all about how you get back on track.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
A Science teacher
Who is your favourite singer or band?
The Arctic Monkeys
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I worked at Summer Camp in America
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To live close to all my family, To have enough money to do everything i want, to live in California